
Beyond 2020

Datum och tid: 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-11
Plats: Svenska Mässan, Göteborg

Skanska guldsponsor till den internationella hållbarhetskonferensen för byggsektorn Beyond 2020.

Beyond 2020 is a world sustainable built environment conference organised by Chalmers University of Technology and RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden), with the support of Johanneberg Science Park and Gothenburg City. The mission of the conference is to link the global building sector to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to define its role towards the achievement of 2030 objectives.

As our global population continues to grow it is crucial that we contribute with tangible solutions and building pathways driven by and integrated in Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG 11).

Beyond 2020 aims at sharing insights in various sustainability-related fields, while also summing up key-learnings from regional conferences, taking place all over the world in 2018 and 2019.

Beyond 2020’s key questions:

1. What are key challenges of building sustainable cities and communities of the future in different parts of the world?

2. How can these challenges be solved by integrating UN Sustainable Development Goals?

3. What is the needed contribution of the global building sector towards the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Läs mer på den officiella webbplatsen för Beyond 2020

Senast uppdaterad: 2019-03-03